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The day had been saved, the Villainous Trio defeated and safely placed in the garden of the School of Friendship. Everycreature was happily celebrating the win and enjoying themselves... everycreature except Ocellus. No, she had someone she needed to talk too now that she had the chance, even if that person couldn't listen anymore.

Cover art drawn by FountainStranger, go check them out on DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Starlight is shocked to see that she has a meeting with a student already scheduled the very first day the School of Friendship opens up again for the summer. Ocellus had learned something about herself over the summer, something that she absolutely hates.

Cover art made using vectors.

Chapters (1)

When they're bored on weekened nights, the Young Six all like to play a game of Questions and Answers with each other to lead into conversation topics. Gallus asks a question about Ocellus's changeling abilities that leads to interesting revelations about everycreature.

Chapters (1)

Time travel is not a simple case of following someone back to stop them from committing whatever evil deeds they plan on. To stop a change to the past, one must prevent the traveler from going there in the first place.

Twilight and Spike failed to do this, but that's okay.

Chapters (1)

Kenny has escorted many of his coworkers to the Conversion Bureau, but he seems strangely reticent. Recognizing someone who has seem too much and gone too far, Twilight Sparkle wants to offer him a happier life. But he has a secret, one that most Equestrians haven't considered.

Chapters (1)

A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, the barrier and conversion bureaus have wiped away everything humanity had and was.
But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown.
The Newfoals remember legends of things that go bump in the night, and they have decided that now even Celestia must know and fear them too. That there are beings to give even Luna nightmares.
Celestia is merely a Princess, and he is the King.

Yeah! Featured 8/7/14, 8/11/14, 8/12/14, 8/14/14 and 8/21/16. Thank you all.

Chapters (23)

When the ponies came, they tried to convert humanity with words and kindness, saying that they were misguided beings and the princesses would help them on the path to Harmony. When that failed, the ponies tried the potion, only for it's magic to be countered by humanity's science. Then they tried force and failed completely at that.
Finally they decided to let the Barrier defeat humanity and it seemed to work! Nearly 50% of the planet was covered with humanity doing it's best to find a solution.
Unfortunately, the ponies of Equestria are about to learn a harsh lesson that humanity learnt long ago. The Earth can be paradise for those who tame it, but to others it is hell.

Chapters (1)

In the alternate timeline where Sombra was not stopped, a human finds himself suddenly in Sombra's body... just after the dread tyrant has conquered Equestria. Now trapped in a world where just about everyone hates him, he must try to keep up the illusion that he is the villainous conqueror, while at the same time try to win over his new subjects.

However, this will not be so simple, as the real Sombra is not quite dead... and he is most definitely not happy.

Part of The Ocean Of Time series.

Chapters (8)

Ethan McIntyre was a young man with aspirations to become an actor, stage magician, and/or special effects artist. So who else should he go to a convention as, but the special effects based supervillain, Mysterio! (The Animated One, because comic books ruined him like they did everything else!)
How could a purchase from a mysterious merchant lead to him being transported into a world of magic in which the inhabitants believe him to be a powerful sorcerer with villainous intentions?
Can Ethan pull of the part of a lifetime and fool the world into believing his abilities are not all just the super-tech versions of smoke and mirrors? Or will he fall before he finds the reason why he was displaced into such a strange turn of events? And will he stick to the moral compass he always followed, or lose his way to the temptation that comes from his new found role?

Chapters (19)

Having been assigned a project about researching lost civilizations, and learning how friendship could have helped them survive, the Student Six try to find something unique. They find in the form of a sphere hologram projection, which tells about a different world that is plagued by ghouls, deathclaws, and super mutants. A world where various factions fight for survival, and to rebuild the human race in their image. A world that is both harsh and dangerous where friendship and decent kindness are a rarity.

A World Of Fallout.

Thanks to Chaotic Note, Titanium Dragon, Black Hailstorm, and Anonymous for helping with this.

The Storyteller series belongs to ShoddyCast who I recommend you follow. I also suggest watching the series of the Storyteller if you are a Fallout Fan or want to get into the Fallout series which belongs to Bethesda.

Chapters (23)